Powering up a Cray X-MP
(too old to reply)
2007-02-20 00:35:54 UTC
I received an Y-MP system and I am not sure where to start to get this
thing going. I have plenty of room for it and the power is not a
problem but I am not familiar with the cray operating system or
booting one up. It came with no manuals. It came with a Sun 3 and I
was told that I use that workstation to control the Y-MP system.

Anyone know if the manuals to get this going are available for
purchase or download? and is there a good site for those not familiar
with operating these systems?
Eugene Miya
2007-02-20 23:35:28 UTC
Post by jdobb2001
I received an Y-MP system and I am not sure where to start to get this
Did you get an X-MP (as in the subject line) or a Y-MP?
Where did you get the Freon(tm)?
If you got a Y, where did you get the Fluorinert(tm)?
Unless of course you got an EL.
Post by jdobb2001
thing going. I have plenty of room for it and the power is not a
problem but I am not familiar with the cray operating system or
booting one up. It came with no manuals. It came with a Sun 3 and I
was told that I use that workstation to control the Y-MP system.
COS has not run for decades.
Post by jdobb2001
Anyone know if the manuals to get this going are available for
purchase or download? and is there a good site for those not familiar
with operating these systems?
Complicated issue. First you have to get straight what you have.

Without doubt the ex-CRI guys are grinning.

2007-02-21 07:52:31 UTC
Ok sounds like a fun and challanging project.

As Eugene says the first thing is to esablish what you have then
figure out how to feed it the following ..
Power, Cooling, Control, Diagnostics, and finally Operating system.
Depending on what you have says how tricky this will be.

Have a look at http://www.spikynorman.dsl.pipex.com/CrayWWWStuff/Cfaqp5.htm
for a spotters guide to Crays or post a few photos and ask the
experts. Locating the Serial number plate would be a good start.

As for the books most of those used by CRI staff for non-customer
operations are not publicly available, but for the smaller air cooled
EL & J90 machine there are some manuals available.

Let us know how it goes.


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