[TCPP-announce] Deadline Extension- HiPC 2009
(too old to reply)
Srinivasan, Avinash
2009-05-12 21:08:06 UTC
Deadline Extended- New Manuscript Submission Deadline is Monday, May 25th.


16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2009)

December 16-19, 2009
Kochi(Cochin), India


NEW Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2009


April 04,2009 Conference Paper Submission Begins
May 25,2009 Conference Paper Submission Ends
May 15,2009 Workshop Proposals Due
May 18,2009 Tutorial Proposals Due
July 17,2009 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
August 17,2009 Camera-Ready Paper Submission
September 14,2009 Student Symposium Submissions Due
October 19,2009 Student Symposium Accept/Reject Decisions
November 09,2009 Early Registration Deadline

The 16th annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing
(HiPC 2009) will be held in Cochin, India, during December 16-19, 2009. It
will serve as a forum to present the current work by researchers from around
the world, and act as a venue to provide stimulating discussions and
highlight high performance computing (HPC) activities in Asia.
The conference has a history of attracting participation from reputed
researchers from all over the world.

The 15th HiPC Conference held in Bangalore, India, in December 2008, had 46
contributed papers chosen from 317 submissions from 27 countries. The
conference included technical paper sessions, keynotes from leading HPC
researchers, a poster paper session, an exhibition, an industry session with
presentations from leading HPC companies, a HPC user community meeting,
tutorials on hot topics in computing and networking, and several workshops
focused on emerging areas. The 14th HiPC Conference, held in Goa, India, in
December 2007, had 52 contributed papers that were selected from over 253
submissions from 31 countries and approximately 300 participants attended
the meeting, and 13th HiPC Conference held in Bangalore, India, in December
2006, had 52 contributed papers that were selected from over 335 submissions
from 40 countries. The HiPC attendance is approximately 300 with a good mix
of participants from India and the rest of the world. Further information
about HiPC 2009 and the HiPC series of meetings is available on the
conference website at http://www.hipc.org.

HiPC 2009 will focus on the design and analysis of high performance computing
and networking systems and their scientific, engineering, and commercial
applications. In addition to technical sessions consisting of contributed
papers, the conference will include invited presentations, a poster session,
tutorials, and vendor presentations.



* IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP)
* European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
* IFIP Working Group on Concurrent Systems
* National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)
* Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology (MAIT)


* Indian Institutes of Technology
* Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
* Software Technology Parks of India
* Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India



The advance program will be available in July 2009. Please check the
conference website at http://www.hipc.org for updated information.


HiPC 2009

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that
demonstrate current research in all areas of high performance computing
including design and analysis of parallel and distributed systems, embedded
systems, and their applications in scientific, engineering, and commercial

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* High-Performance Computing
* Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
* Parallel Languages and Programming Environments
* Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management
* Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems
* Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Applications and Workloads
* Emerging Applications such as Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
* Cluster and Grid Computing
* Peer-to-peer Algorithms and Networks
* Heterogeneous Computing
* Wireless and Mobile Computing
* Communication/Sensor Networks and Embedded Applications
* Interconnection Networks and Architectures
* Scalable Servers and Systems
* High Performance/Scalable Storage Systems
* Power-Efficient and Reconfigurable Architectures
* Compiler Technologies for High-Performance Computing
* Software Support and Advanced Micro-architecture Techniques
* Operating Systems for Scalable High-Performance Computing



Submitted manuscripts should be structured as technical papers and may not
exceed 10 letter size (8.5 x 11) pages including figures, tables and
references using the IEEE format for conference proceedings (print area of
6-1/2 inches (16.51 cm) wide by 8-7/8 inches (22.51 cm) high, two-column
format with columns 3-1/16 inches (7.85 cm) wide with a 3/8 inch (0.81 cm)
space between them, single-spaced 10-point Times fully justified text).
Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned without
review. Authors should submit the manuscript in PDF format and make sure that
the file will print on a printer that uses letter size (8.5 x 11) paper. The
official language of the meeting is English.

Manuscript submission will start on April 4, 2009. Manuscript submission
procedures will then be available over the Web at http://www.hipc.org.
Electronic submissions must be in the form of a readable PDF file and must be
submitted via EDAS using the link http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=6874.
Manuscripts must be received by May 15, 2009. Manuscripts should demonstrate
current research in any area of high performance computing. All manuscripts
will be reviewed and will be judged on correctness, originality, technical
strength, significance, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance
to the conference attendees. There will be a short rebuttal phase for the
authors before the final decisions on the submissions are made.

Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is not
currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not
following these guidelines will be rejected without review and further action
may be taken, including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the heads
of the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the conference.
Submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not
appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the
Program Chair at the address below for further information or clarification.
Notification of review decisions will be mailed by July 17, 2009.
Camera-ready papers are due by August 17, 2009. The HiPC 2009 proceedings
will be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE digital library, and will
also be available at the conference.

Program Chair:

Yuanyuan Yang
State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Email: ***@ece.sunysb.edu



Best paper awards, sponsored by Infosys, will be given for outstanding
contributed papers.


Proposals are solicited for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main
conference. Interested individuals should submit a proposal by May 15, 2009 to
the Workshops Chair. Additional details and submission guidelines will be
available at the conference website.

Workshops Chair:
Manimaran Govindarasu
Iowa State University, USA
Email: ***@iastate.edu



HiPC 2009 will feature the second student research symposium on High
Performance Computing (HPC) aimed at stimulating and fostering student
research, and providing an international forum to highlight student research
accomplishments. The symposium will also expose students to the best
practices in HPC in academia and industry. The one-day symposium will
feature brief presentations by student authors on their research, followed
by a poster exhibit. Short invited talks by leading HPC researchers/
practitioners will be included in the program. The symposium reception will
provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC researchers and
practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry. To be considered,
students should submit a 5 page extended abstract of their research.
Submission procedures will be available at the Student Symposium web site,
accessible from http://www.hipc.org, after August 17, 2009. For additional
details, please see the conference web site or contact the Symposium

Symposium Co-Chairs:
Ashok Srinivasan
Florida State University
Email: ***@hipc.org

Rajeev Thakur
Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Email: ***@hipc.org



Proposals are solicited for tutorials to be held at the meeting. Interested
individuals/groups should submit a proposal by May 18, 2009 to the Tutorials
Chair. The proposal (5 pages maximum) should include a brief description of
the intended audience, a lecture outline, and a vita for each lecturer. For
additional details, contact the Tutorials Chair.

Tutorials Chair:
Rajeev Sivaram
Google, USA
Email: ***@gmail.com



Companies and R&D laboratories are encouraged to present their exhibits at
the meeting. Additionally, a full day of vendor presentations is planned.
Further details can be obtained at the conference website or by contacting
the Industry Liaison Chair.

Industry Co-Chairs:
Rama K. Govindaraju
Google, USA
Email: ***@gmail.com

Ramamurthy Badrinath
HP, India
Email: ***@hp.com



The symposium will bring together providers and users of HPC to provide a
forum for presenting the state-of-the-art in HPC platforms and technologies,
for discussing best practices and for exchanging experiences. HPC
applications and the experiences of application developers will be of
special interest to this mini symposium. The symposium will consist of
invited as well as contributed talks by leading experts from industry,
research laboratories and universities, as well as panels and open
discussions. For further details and to submit abstract, please visit the
conference website.

Symposium Co-Chairs:
Rama K. Govindaraju
Google, USA
Email: ***@gmail.com

Ramamurthy Badrinath
HP, India
Email: ***@hp.com



HiPC 2009 will be awarding travel scholarships to students from Indian
Engineering Colleges to encourage them to attend the conference. This
merit-based scholarship will cover their travel and accommodation expenses.
The last date of application is October 31, 2009. For more details, please
visit the conference website or contact the Scholarships Co-Chairs.

Scholarships Co-Chairs:
Sumam David
NITK, India
Email: ***@ieee.org

Madhusudan Govindaraju
SUNY Binghamton, USA
Email: ***@cs.binghamton.edu



Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Rajeev Muralidhar, Intel, India

Rajendra V. Boppana, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Rama Govindaraju, Google, USA

Yuanyuan Yang,
State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA


Xiaotie Deng, City University of Hong Kong

Omer Rana, Cardiff Univ., UK

Angelos Bilas, FORTH and University of Crete, Greece

Communication Networks:
Xin Yuan, Florida State University

Mobile and Sensor Computing:
Simon Dobson, UCD, Ireland

Systems Software:
Gagan Agrawal, Ohio State University

Viktor K. Prasanna,
University of Southern California, USA

Animesh Pathak, INRIA, France

Manimaran Govindarasu, Iowa State University, USA

Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University, USA
Rajeev Thakur, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Rajeev Sivaram, Google, USA

Rama K. Govindaraju, Google, USA
Ramamurthy Badrinath, HP, India

Rama K. Govindaraju, Google, USA
Ramamurthy Badrinath, HP, India

Yinglong Xia, University of Southern California, USA
Ananth Narayan, Intel, India

Ajay Gupta, Western Michigan University, USA
Thondiyil Venugopalan, India

Raghavendra Buddi, Netapp, India
Kalyana Krishna, Talentain, India

Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University, USA

Avinash Srinivasan, Bloomsburg University, USA
Manisha Gajbe, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Sally Jelinek, Electronic Design Associates, USA
Jyothsna Kasturirengan, Fiberlink, India

Sumam David, NITK, India
Madhusudan Govindaraju, SUNY Binghamton, USA

P. Anandan, Microsoft Research, India
David A. Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Ramamurthy Badrinath, HP, India
Rudramuni B., Dell India R&D, Bangalore, India
Frank Baetke, HP, USA
R. Govindarajan, Indian Institute of Science, India
Harish Grama, IBM, India
Manish Gupta, India Systems and Technology Lab, IBM, India
Vittal Kini, Intel, India
Ashwini Nanda, Computational Research Lab., India
Viktor K. Prasanna, University of Southern California, USA (Chair)
Venkat Ramana, Cray-Hinditron, India
Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA
Lokendra Shastry, Infosys, India
Santosh Sreenivasan, Talentain Technologies, India
V. Sridhar, Satyam Computer Services Ltd., India
Harrick M. Vin, Tata Research, Development and Design Center (TRDDC),
Pune, India

Steering Committee 2009 membership also includes the general co-chairs, program
chairs and vice general co-chairs from 2008, 2009 and 2010.



Mikhail Atallah, Purdue University, USA
Robert S. Germain, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Amir Khuller, University of Maryland, USA
Dariuzs Kowalski, University of Liverpool, UK
Zhi-Zhong Chen, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Pierluigi Crescenzi, University of Florence, Italy
Haodi Feng, Shandong University, China
Matteo Frigo, University of Paderborn, Germany
Rudolf Fleischer, Fudan University, China
Phalguni Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Xiao-Dong Hu, Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Christos Kaklamanis, University of Patras, Greece
Monaldo Mastrolilli, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Ulrich Meyer, Frankfurt University, Germany
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, University of Connecticut,USA
Andrew Rau-Chaplin, University of Dalhousie, Canada
Ulrich Rude, University of Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany
Jesper Larsson Traeff, NEC Laboratories, Europe
Denis Trystram, Informatique et Distribution (ID)-IMAG
Grenoble, France
DS Wang, Tsinghua University, China
Wenan Zang, University of Hong Kong, China
Philippas Tsigas, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Geppino Pucci, University of Padova,Italy
Tian-Ming Bu, East China Normal University
Mao-cheng Cai, Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Ken Hawick, Massey University, New Zealand
Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Andreas Schreiber, German Aerospace/DLR, Germany
Shantenu Jha, LSU/CCT, USA
David Berholdt, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
David Walker, Cardiff University, UK
Mark Cameron, CSIRO, Australia
Matthias Hovestadt, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Bruno Schulze, LNCC (National Laboratory for Scientific
Computing), Brasil
Guijun Wang, Boeing, USA
Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, USA
Odej Kao, TU Berlin, Germany
Anshul Gupta, IBM T.J. Watson, USA
D. T. Singh, Genvea BioSciences, Singapore
Lois Curfmann McInnes, Argonne National Lab, USA
Rod Hose, University of Sheffield, UK

Rajeev Balasubramonian, University of Utah, USA
Mats Brorsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Marcelo Cintra, University of Edinburgh, UK
Toni Cortes, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Wu-chun Feng, Virginia Tech, USA
Jose Flich, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Georgi Gaydadjiev, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Ananth Grama, Purdue Univeristy, USA
Sanjeev Kumar, PatternInsight, USA
Andreas Moshovos, University of Toronto, Canada
Scott Pakin, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Timothy Pinkston, University of Southern California, USA
Vassos Soteriou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Eno Thereska, Microsoft, UK
Pedro Trancoso, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Vijay Pai, Purdue University, USA
Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Hewlett Packard Labs, USA
Peter Varman, Rice Univesrity, USA
Vinod Viswanath, Intel Corporation, USA
Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Georgia Tech, USA

Communication Networks:
Zhenhai Duan, Florida State University, USA
Ahmad Faraj, IBM, USA
Kartik Gopalan, SUNY at Binghamton, USA
Wei Huang, VMware, USA
Minglu Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Xiao Li, Michigan State University, USA
Rami Melhem, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Srihari Nelakuditi, University of South Carolina, USA
DK Panda, Ohio State University, USA
Fabrizio Petrini, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Federico Silla, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Craig Stunkel, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Jie Wu, Florida Atlanta University and NSF, USA
Cheng-Zhong Xu, Wayne State University, USA
Yuanyuan Yang, SUNY Stony Brook, USA
Weikuan Yu, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Xin Yuan, Florida State University, USA
Zhenghao Zhang, Florida State University, USA

Mobile and Sensor Computing:
Giuseppe Amato, CNR, Italy
Ozalp Babaoglu, University of Bologna, Italy
Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland
Kieran Delaney, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
Qing Cao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Hakima Chaouchi, IT Sud Paris, France,
Simon Dobson, UCD Dublin, Ireland
Karin Hummel, University of Vienna, Austria
Dario Pompili, Rutgers University, USA
Roy Sterritt, University of Ulster, UK
Djamal Zeghlache, TEELCOM & Management Sud-Paris, France
Paolo Santi, CNR, Italy
Andreas Timm-Giel, Universitat Bremen, Germany
Hongwei Zhang, Wayne State University, USA

Systems Software:
Gerald Sabin, RNET Technologies, USA
A. Rountev, Ohio State University, USA
R. Govindarajan, India
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, PNL, USA
Arun Chauhan, Indiana University, USA
Beth Plale, Indiana University, USA
Umit Catalyurek, Ohio State University, USA
Madhusudhan Govindaraju, SUNY Binghamton, USA
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan
Weikuan Yu, Oak Ridge National Labs, USA
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Labs, USA
Feng Qin, Ohio State University, USA
Radu Teodorescu, Ohio State University, USA
Yeh-Ching Chung, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Doug Thain, Notre Dame University, USA
Amol Ghoting, IBM Research, USA
Henrique Andrade, IBM Research, USA
Renato Ferreira, UFMG, Brazil
Sanjeev Aggarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
Yuan-shin Hwang, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Jaejin Li, Seoul National University, Korea

Publicity Co-chair HiPC 2009

Avinash Srinivasan
Bloomsburg University

Georgia Institute of Technology
TCPP-announce mailing list
Looking for an H-912 (container).
Avinash Srinivasan
2009-05-19 19:11:51 UTC

NEW DEADLINE- Monday, May 25th


16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2009)

December 16-19, 2009
Kochi(Cochin), India


NEW Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2009


April 04,2009 Conference Paper Submission Begins
May 25,2009 Conference Paper Submission Ends
May 15,2009 Workshop Proposals Due
May 18,2009 Tutorial Proposals Due
July 17,2009 Notification of Acceptance/
August 17,2009 Camera-Ready Paper Submission
September 14,2009 Student Symposium Submissions Due
October 19,2009 Student Symposium Accept/Reject
November 09,2009 Early Registration Deadline

The 16th annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing
(HiPC 2009) will be held in Cochin, India, during December 16-19, 2009. It
will serve as a forum to present the current work by researchers from around
the world, and act as a venue to provide stimulating discussions and
highlight high performance computing (HPC) activities in Asia.
The conference has a history of attracting participation from reputed
researchers from all over the world.

The 15th HiPC Conference held in Bangalore, India, in December 2008,
had 46 contributed papers chosen from 317 submissions from 27 countries. The
conference included technical paper sessions, keynotes from leading HPC
researchers, a poster paper session, an exhibition, an industry session with
presentations from leading HPC companies, a HPC user community meeting,
tutorials on hot topics in computing and networking, and several
workshops focused on emerging areas. The 14th HiPC Conference, held in Goa,
India, in December 2007, had 52 contributed papers that were selected from over
253 submissions from 31 countries and approximately 300 participants attended
the meeting, and 13th HiPC Conference held in Bangalore, India, in
December 2006, had 52 contributed papers that were selected from over 335 submissions
from 40 countries. The HiPC attendance is approximately 300 with a
good mix of participants from India and the rest of the world. Further
information about HiPC 2009 and the HiPC series of meetings is available on the
conference website at http://www.hipc.org.

HiPC 2009 will focus on the design and analysis of high performance computing
and networking systems and their scientific, engineering, and commercial
applications. In addition to technical sessions consisting of contributed
papers, the conference will include invited presentations, a poster session,
tutorials, and vendor presentations.



* IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP)
* European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
* IFIP Working Group on Concurrent Systems
* National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)
* Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology (MAIT)


* Indian Institutes of Technology
* Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
* Software Technology Parks of India
* Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India



The advance program will be available in July 2009. Please check the
conference website at http://www.hipc.org for updated information.


HiPC 2009

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that
demonstrate current research in all areas of high performance computing
including design and analysis of parallel and distributed systems,
embedded systems, and their applications in scientific, engineering, and
commercial areas.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* High-Performance Computing
* Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
* Parallel Languages and Programming Environments
* Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management
* Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems
* Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Applications and Workloads
* Emerging Applications such as Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
* Cluster and Grid Computing
* Peer-to-peer Algorithms and Networks
* Heterogeneous Computing
* Wireless and Mobile Computing
* Communication/Sensor Networks and Embedded Applications
* Interconnection Networks and Architectures
* Scalable Servers and Systems
* High Performance/Scalable Storage Systems
* Power-Efficient and Reconfigurable Architectures
* Compiler Technologies for High-Performance Computing
* Software Support and Advanced Micro-architecture Techniques
* Operating Systems for Scalable High-Performance Computing



Submitted manuscripts should be structured as technical papers and may
not exceed 10 letter size (8.5 x 11) pages including figures, tables and
references using the IEEE format for conference proceedings (print
area of 6-1/2 inches (16.51 cm) wide by 8-7/8 inches (22.51 cm) high, two-column
format with columns 3-1/16 inches (7.85 cm) wide with a 3/8 inch (0.81 cm)
space between them, single-spaced 10-point Times fully justified text).
Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned without
review. Authors should submit the manuscript in PDF format and make
sure that the file will print on a printer that uses letter size (8.5 x 11)
paper. The official language of the meeting is English.

Manuscript submission will start on April 4, 2009. Manuscript submission
procedures will then be available over the Web at http://www.hipc.org.
Electronic submissions must be in the form of a readable PDF file and must be
submitted via EDAS using the link http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=6874.
Manuscripts must be received by May 25, 2009. Manuscripts should
demonstrate current research in any area of high performance computing. All
manuscripts will be reviewed and will be judged on correctness, originality,
technical strength, significance, quality of presentation, and interest and
relevance to the conference attendees. There will be a short rebuttal phase for
the authors before the final decisions on the submissions are made.

Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is
not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not
following these guidelines will be rejected without review and further
action may be taken, including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the
heads of the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the conference.
Submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not
appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may
contact the Program Chair at the address below for further information or clarification.
Notification of review decisions will be mailed by July 17, 2009.
Camera-ready papers are due by August 17, 2009. The HiPC 2009 proceedings
will be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE digital library,
and will also be available at the conference.

Program Chair:

Yuanyuan Yang
State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Email: ***@ece.sunysb.edu



Best paper awards, sponsored by Infosys, will be given for outstanding
contributed papers.


Proposals are solicited for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main
conference. Interested individuals should submit a proposal by May 15, 2009 to
the Workshops Chair. Additional details and submission guidelines will
be available at the conference website.

Workshops Chair:
Manimaran Govindarasu
Iowa State University, USA
Email: ***@iastate.edu



HiPC 2009 will feature the second student research symposium on High
Performance Computing (HPC) aimed at stimulating and fostering student
research, and providing an international forum to highlight student
research accomplishments. The symposium will also expose students to the best
practices in HPC in academia and industry. The one-day symposium will
feature brief presentations by student authors on their research,
followed by a poster exhibit. Short invited talks by leading HPC researchers/
practitioners will be included in the program. The symposium reception
will provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC researchers and
practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry. To be considered,
students should submit a 5 page extended abstract of their research.
Submission procedures will be available at the Student Symposium web site,
accessible from http://www.hipc.org, after August 17, 2009. For
additional details, please see the conference web site or contact the Symposium Co-Chairs.

Symposium Co-Chairs:
Ashok Srinivasan
Florida State University
Email: ***@hipc.org

Rajeev Thakur
Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Email: ***@hipc.org



Proposals are solicited for tutorials to be held at the meeting.
Interested individuals/groups should submit a proposal by May 18, 2009 to the
Tutorials Chair. The proposal (5 pages maximum) should include a brief
description of the intended audience, a lecture outline, and a vita for each
lecturer. For additional details, contact the Tutorials Chair.

Tutorials Chair:
Rajeev Sivaram
Google, USA
Email: ***@gmail.com



Companies and R&D laboratories are encouraged to present their exhibits at
the meeting. Additionally, a full day of vendor presentations is planned.
Further details can be obtained at the conference website or by contacting
the Industry Liaison Chair.

Industry Co-Chairs:
Rama K. Govindaraju
Google, USA
Email: ***@gmail.com

Ramamurthy Badrinath
HP, India
Email: ***@hp.com



The symposium will bring together providers and users of HPC to provide a
forum for presenting the state-of-the-art in HPC platforms and technologies,
for discussing best practices and for exchanging experiences. HPC
applications and the experiences of application developers will be of
special interest to this mini symposium. The symposium will consist of
invited as well as contributed talks by leading experts from industry,
research laboratories and universities, as well as panels and open
discussions. For further details and to submit abstract, please visit
the conference website.

Symposium Co-Chairs:
Rama K. Govindaraju
Google, USA
Email: ***@gmail.com

Ramamurthy Badrinath
HP, India
Email: ***@hp.com



HiPC 2009 will be awarding travel scholarships to students from Indian
Engineering Colleges to encourage them to attend the conference. This
merit-based scholarship will cover their travel and accommodation expenses.
The last date of application is October 31, 2009. For more details,
please visit the conference website or contact the Scholarships Co-Chairs.

Scholarships Co-Chairs:
Sumam David
NITK, India
Email: ***@ieee.org

Madhusudan Govindaraju
SUNY Binghamton, USA
Email: ***@cs.binghamton.edu



Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Rajeev Muralidhar, Intel, India

Rajendra V. Boppana, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Rama Govindaraju, Google, USA

Yuanyuan Yang,
State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA


Xiaotie Deng, City University of Hong Kong

Omer Rana, Cardiff Univ., UK

Angelos Bilas, FORTH and University of Crete, Greece

Communication Networks:
Xin Yuan, Florida State University

Mobile and Sensor Computing:
Simon Dobson, UCD, Ireland

Systems Software:
Gagan Agrawal, Ohio State University

Viktor K. Prasanna,
University of Southern California, USA

Animesh Pathak, INRIA, France

Manimaran Govindarasu, Iowa State University, USA

Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University, USA
Rajeev Thakur, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Rajeev Sivaram, Google, USA

Rama K. Govindaraju, Google, USA
Ramamurthy Badrinath, HP, India

Rama K. Govindaraju, Google, USA
Ramamurthy Badrinath, HP, India

Yinglong Xia, University of Southern California, USA
Ananth Narayan, Intel, India

Ajay Gupta, Western Michigan University, USA
Thondiyil Venugopalan, India

Raghavendra Buddi, Netapp, India
Kalyana Krishna, Talentain, India

Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University, USA

Avinash Srinivasan, Bloomsburg University, USA
Manisha Gajbe, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Sally Jelinek, Electronic Design Associates, USA
Jyothsna Kasturirengan, Fiberlink, India

Sumam David, NITK, India
Madhusudan Govindaraju, SUNY Binghamton, USA

P. Anandan, Microsoft Research, India
David A. Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Ramamurthy Badrinath, HP, India
Rudramuni B., Dell India R&D, Bangalore, India
Frank Baetke, HP, USA
R. Govindarajan, Indian Institute of Science, India
Harish Grama, IBM, India
Manish Gupta, India Systems and Technology Lab, IBM, India
Vittal Kini, Intel, India
Ashwini Nanda, Computational Research Lab., India
Viktor K. Prasanna, University of Southern California, USA (Chair)
Venkat Ramana, Cray-Hinditron, India
Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA
Lokendra Shastry, Infosys, India
Santosh Sreenivasan, Talentain Technologies, India
V. Sridhar, Satyam Computer Services Ltd., India
Harrick M. Vin, Tata Research, Development and Design Center (TRDDC),
Pune, India

Steering Committee 2009 membership also includes the general co-chairs, program
chairs and vice general co-chairs from 2008, 2009 and 2010.



Mikhail Atallah, Purdue University, USA
Robert S. Germain, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Amir Khuller, University of Maryland, USA
Dariuzs Kowalski, University of Liverpool, UK
Zhi-Zhong Chen, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Pierluigi Crescenzi, University of Florence, Italy
Haodi Feng, Shandong University, China
Matteo Frigo, University of Paderborn, Germany
Rudolf Fleischer, Fudan University, China
Phalguni Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Xiao-Dong Hu, Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Christos Kaklamanis, University of Patras, Greece
Monaldo Mastrolilli, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Ulrich Meyer, Frankfurt University, Germany
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, University of Connecticut,USA
Andrew Rau-Chaplin, University of Dalhousie, Canada
Ulrich Rude, University of Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany
Jesper Larsson Traeff, NEC Laboratories, Europe
Denis Trystram, Informatique et Distribution (ID)-IMAG
Grenoble, France
DS Wang, Tsinghua University, China
Wenan Zang, University of Hong Kong, China
Philippas Tsigas, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Geppino Pucci, University of Padova,Italy
Tian-Ming Bu, East China Normal University
Mao-cheng Cai, Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Ken Hawick, Massey University, New Zealand
Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Andreas Schreiber, German Aerospace/DLR, Germany
Shantenu Jha, LSU/CCT, USA
David Berholdt, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
David Walker, Cardiff University, UK
Mark Cameron, CSIRO, Australia
Matthias Hovestadt, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Bruno Schulze, LNCC (National Laboratory for Scientific
Computing), Brasil
Guijun Wang, Boeing, USA
Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, USA
Odej Kao, TU Berlin, Germany
Anshul Gupta, IBM T.J. Watson, USA
D. T. Singh, Genvea BioSciences, Singapore
Lois Curfmann McInnes, Argonne National Lab, USA
Rod Hose, University of Sheffield, UK

Rajeev Balasubramonian, University of Utah, USA
Mats Brorsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Marcelo Cintra, University of Edinburgh, UK
Toni Cortes, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Wu-chun Feng, Virginia Tech, USA
Jose Flich, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Georgi Gaydadjiev, Delft University of Technology, The
Ananth Grama, Purdue Univeristy, USA
Sanjeev Kumar, PatternInsight, USA
Andreas Moshovos, University of Toronto, Canada
Scott Pakin, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Timothy Pinkston, University of Southern California, USA
Vassos Soteriou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Eno Thereska, Microsoft, UK
Pedro Trancoso, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Vijay Pai, Purdue University, USA
Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Hewlett Packard Labs, USA
Peter Varman, Rice Univesrity, USA
Vinod Viswanath, Intel Corporation, USA
Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Georgia Tech, USA

Communication Networks:
Zhenhai Duan, Florida State University, USA
Ahmad Faraj, IBM, USA
Kartik Gopalan, SUNY at Binghamton, USA
Wei Huang, VMware, USA
Minglu Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Xiao Li, Michigan State University, USA
Rami Melhem, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Srihari Nelakuditi, University of South Carolina, USA
DK Panda, Ohio State University, USA
Fabrizio Petrini, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Federico Silla, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Craig Stunkel, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Jie Wu, Florida Atlanta University and NSF, USA
Cheng-Zhong Xu, Wayne State University, USA
Yuanyuan Yang, SUNY Stony Brook, USA
Weikuan Yu, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Xin Yuan, Florida State University, USA
Zhenghao Zhang, Florida State University, USA

Mobile and Sensor Computing:
Giuseppe Amato, CNR, Italy
Ozalp Babaoglu, University of Bologna, Italy
Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland
Kieran Delaney, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
Qing Cao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Hakima Chaouchi, IT Sud Paris, France,
Simon Dobson, UCD Dublin, Ireland
Karin Hummel, University of Vienna, Austria
Dario Pompili, Rutgers University, USA
Roy Sterritt, University of Ulster, UK
Djamal Zeghlache, TEELCOM & Management Sud-Paris, France
Paolo Santi, CNR, Italy
Andreas Timm-Giel, Universitat Bremen, Germany
Hongwei Zhang, Wayne State University, USA

Systems Software:
Gerald Sabin, RNET Technologies, USA
A. Rountev, Ohio State University, USA
R. Govindarajan, India
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, PNL, USA
Arun Chauhan, Indiana University, USA
Beth Plale, Indiana University, USA
Umit Catalyurek, Ohio State University, USA
Madhusudhan Govindaraju, SUNY Binghamton, USA
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan
Weikuan Yu, Oak Ridge National Labs, USA
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Labs, USA
Feng Qin, Ohio State University, USA
Radu Teodorescu, Ohio State University, USA
Yeh-Ching Chung, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Doug Thain, Notre Dame University, USA
Amol Ghoting, IBM Research, USA
Henrique Andrade, IBM Research, USA
Renato Ferreira, UFMG, Brazil
Sanjeev Aggarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
Yuan-shin Hwang, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Jaejin Li, Seoul National University, Korea

Publicity Co-chair HiPC 2009

Avinash Srinivasan
Bloomsburg University

Georgia Institute of Technology
Looking for an H-912 (container).