2nd CFP: PPGaMS'04 Programming Paradigms for Grids and Metacomputing Systems
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Maciej Malawski
2003-11-17 17:36:48 UTC
[Apologies for cross postings. Please, re-distribute]


First International Workshop on
Programming Paradigms
for Grids and Metacomputing Systems


Kraków, Poland, June 7-9, 2004

Workshop homepage:

The workshop will be held in conjunction with the

ICCS2004 Conference

*** Important Dates ***

Papers due: December 1, 2003
Notification of acceptance: January 16, 2004
Camera-ready papers due: January 31, 2004

*** Scope ***

Multi-domain heterogeneous distributed computing has matured
considerably, but much of the emphasis has primarily been on
infrastructural and administrative issues. In particular, suitable
programming models for such environments have only recently received
attention. The goal of this workshop, to be held in conjunction with the
ICCS 2004 conference, is to bring together researchers interested in all
aspects of programming models, paradigms, languages, libraries, and
runtime systems with a focus on matching the special characteristics of
grid and metacomputing systems to application programming and development.

*** Topics ***

Suggested topics for submitted papers include, but are not limited to:

* Models, languages, abstractions, and techniques for grid programming
* Grid programming frameworks and environments
* Traditional distributed computing paradigms in the context of grids
* Programming for heterogeneity and failure-resilience
* Migration of legacy applications to grid environments
* Application decomposition techniques for metasystems
* Application development experiences and use cases
* Portals and their role in programming metasystems
* Large scale multi-disciplinary applications

*** Submission ***

Authors are invited to submit high-quality papers describing original,
unpublished research or experience. Submitted papers should have exactly
8 pages length in LNCS style. Submission must adhere to the
Springer-Verlag instructions for authors. Use of LaTeX2e is strongly
recommended. All papers must be written in English and will be reviewed
by members of the Program Committee. Submission implies the willingness
of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper at the

Accepted papers will be printed in the conference proceedings published
by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. A
selected number of papers will also be published as special issues of
appropriate journals. In order to comply with the publisher's
requirements, authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide all
source files (e.g. LaTeX2e files for text and EPS files for figures),
and the PDF version of the paper, if possible.

Please submit your paper by the deadline via e-mail to
***@mathcs.emory.edu. Confirmation will be e-mailed to you within
72 hours of submission.

*** Location ***

The workshop will be held in conjunction with the ICCS 2004 conference
in Kraków, Poland.

*** Workshop Organization ***

General Chair
Vaidy Sunderam, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
email: ***@mathcs.emory.edu
Steering Committee

* Frederic Desprez, ENS Lyon, France
* Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster, UK
* Dawid Kurzyniec, Emory University, USA
* Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
* Maciej Malawski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
* Thierry Priol, INRIA Rennes Research Unit, France
* Vaidy Sunderam, Emory University, USA

Publicity Chair
Maciej Malawski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
email: ***@agh.edu.pl
2003-11-21 11:21:54 UTC
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